Monday, December 30, 2019
Extended propsal Free Essay Example, 3000 words
Under the new concept, the target is rural and urban poor households, emphasising on women borrowers, and aims for the provision of finance for the purpose of asset creation and stressing the principle of â€Å"Borrower knows best†(Kaladhar, 1997 in Dhar, 2005, p. 10). Innovative features include the user-friendly delivery of credit and facilities, easy and fast disbursement of loans of small amount or short maturation, vigilance in maintaining high recovery rates through peer pressure, incentives such as access to large loans after successful settlement of the first loan, and employment of peer pressure and peer support to encourage savings. Micro-finance also now includes a broad range of financial and non-financial services, such as entrepreneurship development, capacity building, and skills upgrading. Under the new paradigm, financial intermediation with self-sustainability of institutions is emphasized, with the results measured in both quality and quantity of financing made available (Dhar, 2005). Dhar (2005) cites the following basic premises on which the operational framework of micro-finance rests are: a. A viable means for poverty amelioration is creation of self-employment programmes or projects. b.We will write a custom essay sample on Extended propsal or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Access to capital is a major constraint in forming micro-enterprises. c. The poor, specially the poor women, have the innate capacity to save and mobilize their savings into productive economic activities. d. Since credit can follow thrift, very small loans can be given to the poor to enhance their investment capacities. e. The borrower knows best how to utilize the money and then arrange for repayment of loans. f. Financial service delivery systems are decentralized and people’s organizations at as facilitators and intermediaries. g. Repayment periods are generally short. The amount of loan may be increased based on the borrowers’ past credit history to gauge his record of loan repayment. This is commonly known as the loan graduation process. h. Loans to members are not concessional and are usually quite high. i. Loans given by micro-finance institutions should involve simple procedures for reviewing and processing loan applications, and quick sanction and disbursement of money (Dhar, 2005, p. 11). Some researchers have questioned, though, the new directions taken by some micro-finance programmes, contending that it is questionable whether such services truly benefit women. There are those who argue that in many current models of micro-finance, the main, at times overriding, emphasis is financial sustainability, which tends to divert resources from strategies that would emphasize more empowerment and poverty alleviation (Mayoux, 2001).
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Concert Critique - 954 Words
MUS 110CL Concert Critique Guidelines and Rubric After either attending a live concert or watching a full length concert online, write a critique of the performance following the format below. Here are a few examples of full length concerts you can find online (by conducting a web search using the criteria below) that could be used for this assignment: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · Coldplay Live In Boston 2012 (Full Concert DVD) Sting: If on a winters night-Live from Durham Cathedral 2009 (watch all 14 songs on concert) Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Ron Wood, Bill Wyman, Jan Hammer, Charlie Duke Ellington The Great Paris Concert Richard Galliano/Winton Marsalis - Billie Holiday meets Edith PIAF Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Jazz Center†¦show more content†¦Sometimes the music in a concert will be only one genre. Sometimes there will be several genres performed. Attach the program to your critique, and then refer to the titles in the program. For example: â€Å"Autumn Leaves†was performed by a small instrumental ensemble (guitar, bass, and percussion). It is a standard contemporary tune. The tempo was a moderately slow ballad. It had a very mellow sound†¦ 4. Tell how well you think the performers interpreted the music that was on the concert. Were the singers in tune? Did the piano player play musically and rhythmically? Do you think the performers communicated the music as it was meant to be communicated by the composer? 5. Tell which pieces or part of the concert was most moving or enjoyable for you. If you didn’t enjoy the concert very much, tell why you didn’t enjoy it. What could have been better? Be as specific as you can when expressing your opinion of the performance – don’t just write generalities like â€Å"It was nice†or â€Å"it made me feel like dancing†. Tell why the music made you feel like dancing. Write about why you particularly enjoyed t hat part of the concert. 6. Conclude your critique by summing up the performance and telling us if you would go to hear these performers again – or would invite your friends or family to hear this performance/performers. Submit the Concert Critique to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 5. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.) Critique must beShow MoreRelatedConcert Critique : The Houston Civic Symphony1078 Words  | 5 PagesJacqueline A. Vela 11/16/16 Music Appreciation MUSI 1306 ` Mr. Christopher Lee Concert Critique #1- The Houston Civic Symphony/50th Anniversary Season I have never attended an orchestral concert. Although my taste ranges between several different types of music, the only concerts I have attended are of the rock and country variety. I was not sure what to expect in attending The Houston Civic Symphony’s performance on Sunday, October 9, 2016. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Should Richard M. Nixon visit Red China Free Essays
string(55) " and the Soviet Union eventually did ease up slightly\." That is an interesting question to which one could offer many good reasons to both sides of the argument. However, to fully examine the decision made, one would have to look at many of the background information surrounding the voyage. This includes; Nixon’s popularity with America as well as the Vietnam War, which at that time had yet to be resolved, America’s relationship with the Soviet Union, America’s relationship with Taiwan and the Republic of China, the relationship between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China, America’s past relations with China as well as their distrust on Communism, and China’s relationship with the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Richard M. Nixon visit Red China? or any similar topic only for you Order Now After studying each of these, one can form a decision of whether Nixon should or should not go to Red China. Richard Nixon was an extremely unpopular president. This was primarily due to the war in Vietnam that he didn’t even get America into. However, while he was not the one who got America into Vietnam he had the important job of getting America out, a task, which would take him four years, four years of discontent in America. Nixon had decided to invade Cambodia, which had been completely off-limits, however the Communist troops had been using it as a rest area and supply base1. While the invasion itself was a successful operation it caused havoc back in the United States. As demonstrated when 100,000 protesters showed up in Washington D. C. to demonstrate their anger with the decision of invasion2. Nixon’s policy of â€Å"Vietnamization†3, which included training Vietnamese soldiers to replace American soldiers, worked well and by 1971 has sent many American troops back to the United States. At the same time Nixon also had his right-hand man Henry Kissinger in secret discussion with North Vietnamese forces, discussing peace negotiations. America and North Vietnam reached a ceasefire agreement on January 27, 1973, which officially withdrew Americans from Vietnam and allowed them to achieve â€Å"peace with honor†4. The war itself however, did not end until April 29, 1975. This war had a large effect on Nixon’s decision to visit Red China as China had been supporting the Communist North Vietnam forces throughout the war, while America had been in Vietnams fighting against them, supporting the Southern side. This created another time for Americans to show their dislike and distrust of Communism. However, China was a powerful country and if America could make good relations with them it would help to keep negotiations strong between the North Vietnam and America. Therefore, the war in Vietnam was an important thing to consider when deciding whether Nixon should visit the Communist, Red China. America had not always had a very strong relationship with the Soviet Union. Two of the world superpowers had been at constant fear of attack by each other during the Cold War. This Cold War came about for many reasons, two being, Truman’s desire to stop the spread of communism5, and the atomic weapons that each country had. However, the most important factor that created this Cold War was fear. Each country had large, irrational fears of the other, the Americans feared another dictator trying to take over the world, and the Soviets feared a powerful invader6. The Americans had a monopoly on the atomic weapons, and weren’t sharing their secrets; this alarmed the Soviets and prompted them to make atomic weapons of their own. Each country was unsure of what the other had, thus creating the constant suspicion. Also feeding this fear was propaganda that each country used. In America politicians were constantly telling the American public about the terrors of Communists and how everyone was in danger because of the evil Soviet Communists planning an attack7. The Cold War was an important thing for Nixon to consider because it was still going on and America had been expressing hated toward Communists since the beginning. Visiting China would be good though because it could speed up the end of the Cold war that they were stuck in. Also recognizing a Communist country that was so close to the Soviet Union would be handy for intelligence purposes, as they would be closer to the enemy and could get a better idea of what was going on, it could also make the war less between Communism and America and focused on the Soviet Union and America. The relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union eventually did ease up slightly. You read "Should Richard M. Nixon visit Red China?" in category "Papers" This started in 1952 when Nikita Kruschev paid a visit to America with talks of â€Å"peaceful coexistence†between the two countries8. At the time that he did this he had begun to see his ally China as more of an enemy than America was9. Also at the time the Soviets had, had recent victory over the Americans with the success of the Sputnik satellite, two years prior to the visit. This visit did not create any drastic change or movements towards peace between the two countries, however it was one good step in the direction towards â€Å"peaceful coexistence†. This meeting would be a good reason for Nixon to go to China as it shows that two countries that believe and practice completely different forms of government can still meet and recognize one another. He would want to take pointers from this meeting of good things that Kruschev did while visiting America and expand upon those so that his meeting in China would not only be successful but productive as well, something that Kruschev’s visit was not. During the Cultural Revolution American aided the Nationalist, Republic of China, by giving them nearly 1 billion dollars worth of weapons and other necessities10. America pressured the Nationalist party, led by Chiang to accept some of Stalin’s demands, such as the use of northern ports to expand the Russian economy. By them meeting these demands they were given full Soviet support, and were recognized by both America and the Soviet Union as the only China11. Having Americans helping the Nationalists very much upset the Communist party, and they ceased peace talks. Then Chaing’s army completely disregarded some advice given by General Marshall, whom was later made the Secretary of State. When Marshall became the secretary of state he would not allow America to further heavily involve itself with the Cultural Revolution. The Korean War was the first time that American and Communist forces had the opportunity to compete. American forces were helping South Korea from the invading, communist North Korean troops. China had never intended on entering into the war, however when American forces continued to get too close to their border in the intent of taking over North Korea, instead of just helping South Korea in keeping their territory. China had sent out warnings to them, not to get close and so when America got too close, Chou En-lai, the Chinese premier sent out masses of troops, which easily surrounded American and South Korean troops12. Nixon would have wanted to consider this event before going to China because it was another event in which the Americans were fighting against Communism as well as the Chinese. However, it would be good to go to China because then Nixon would be able to show the world that America was not a sore loser, that despite being brutally attacked by the Chinese they were still able to make relations and work towards peace and prosperity together. The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China had a very poor relationship ever since their split after the Cultural Revolution. The ROC got Taiwan as their mainland as well as two small islands, Quemoy and Matsu13. These two islands were very close to the mainland of PRC’s China, which was a fact that had always irked Mao. Mao tried to take the islands by force with his military, however unfortunately he was unsuccessful as the ROC had America to support them and Mao had no one as the Soviet Union had not come in time. This was a small event, yet it would be another thing for Nixon to look at. It would be a good thing for America to recognize Red China, as it would be a form of apology for fighting against them previously with their enemy the ROC. It would show that America has realized which China is the true China, which is something that would please Mao and would make him more likely to be open to trade with America. After the Cultural Revolution in China the issue of their seat in the United Nations Security Council arose. After World War two the UN was created and five of the powerful, victorious countries were placed into permanent seats on the Security Council. These were the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, the United States, and China. When China split the People’s Republic felt that they should replace the Republic of China on the Security Council as they now represented China. This did not go over well with the United States, who did not want more Communist countries on the council, also the United States were allies of the Nationalist China. An early solution was dual representation, however Mao refused to sit next to another China, as this gives the idea that there were two Chinas, when he was so adamant that his China was the only one. 14 Albania then proposed to admit the People’s Republic of China into the UN, and they were successful in getting the votes. This got Taiwan out of the Security Council and the People’s Republic in15. The Americans were unhappy about the results, as they had lost face when everyone voted against Nixon’s proposal of dual representation. It would be a good thing for Nixon to go to China and recognize them because it would show that they were still a strong country and that they were ready to move past this one incident. By moving past it they would be able to work together and agree on things, which would be good for both of them to have allies as the more allies a country has the more powerful they become. Americans, had for a long time completely distrusted all things Communist. The American government used propaganda often to portray to the American public how scary and evil Communists are. They were mostly stories that they built off of the Soviet totalitarian system16. They did this propaganda through books, pamphlets, comics, films, and radio throughout the entire Cold War. The American people were forced to believe that China was a part of this world wide Communist conspiracy to overthrow American power and destroy Western Democracy. Movies were a popular way of propaganda, as it could show with full images how bad the Communists were such as â€Å"Red Nightmare: The Commies are Coming†. Movies, such as that one show Communists coming to America and just destroying everything that made America run. Not all the movies made to demonstrate the evil of Communists had to be just about them, in the James Bond movies filmed throughout the Cold War feature Russians as the bad guy and Bond coming to save the day18, this movie was not about Communism, it just found a very subtle way to further demonstrate that Communists are bad. Since all the propaganda was fed by the government, Nixon visiting China, a Communist country would be a good first step into changing the views of the American people towards Communists. While America would not need to switch and become a pro-Communism country they could start to settle the dispute against Communist countries. If America could make alliances with a powerful Communist country that could make other Communist countries like them. The United States and the Republic of China had, had amicable past relations. America had traded with the Republic of China, mostly weapons for years and continued to do so after their split from the Mainland China. The United States really helped Taiwan get started shortly after it formed it’s own China. They did this through enforcing it’s military so that in the event of an attack by the People’s Republic of China, they would be well protected. They also traded with them so that their economy could get going and perhaps gain them some relationships with other countries in the world. This relationship between Taiwan and the United States is something that Nixon would have wanted to consider before going over to the People’s Republic of China. This is because Mao was still completely refusing to speak the Republic of China, because he hated the idea of Two Chinas. In Taiwan they refused to talk to he People’s Republic until they were no longer a Communist country. By going to Red China Nixon would not necessarily be apologizing to Mao and Chou En-lai about what happened in the past, but would rather be moving on and working towards an alliance, with which they can help each other in becoming even more powerful. In conclusion, America should recognize the People’s Republic of China. The decision would have taken a lot of consideration but all the good things that would come out of the decision would heavily out-weigh anything negative. Visiting Red China would be a big step in the right direction and would help out the United States in many ways. So despite the American hated for all things Communist an official visit to Communist China would be a very good thing to do. How to cite Should Richard M. Nixon visit Red China?, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Market Entry Strategies for Product Launch- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMarket Entry Strategies for Product Launch. Answer: Introduction Market entry strategy refers to a method used by a company to enlighten the public about its products and services. The company has to come up realistic marketing strategies to enable it to attract and retain more clients thus attaining a competitive advantage in the marketing industry. In other words, market entry strategy means coming up with a mechanism that will enable the company to reach most of its product consumers within a reasonable period of time. In this case, the study will venture on the analysis of instituting and managing contracts in China. A business Alliance is a planned entry strategy of businesses which deals with the agreement. It is always motivated by an improved service and cost reduction for the customer. Business alliances are always bounded by a single agreement with opportunity share and equitable risks for all involved parties (Gniazdo, 2007). Furthermore, the business alliance is considered the most efficient strategy to use while trying to penetrate into a market entry in China. This is because china an increase in the sales determines the prices of products in the market. Therefore, there is business stability whenever an individual decides to venture into a business strategy with China. In addition, the business alliance in China is considered to give room to one's products to have a branding awareness, which will be easy for the customers to know the products they want in the market (Prange, n.d.). Besides, venturing into a market entry with China allows the localization of prices, trade barriers, and moderates in exports. Therefore, based on this aspect, marketing strategies has been considered key elements that will enable an organization to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency in meeting its set goals and objectives within a particular period of time. Market analysis of China is conducted with the aim of understanding risks and opportunities presented by a consumer segment in different regions (Editorial, n.d.). This helps in Building an intelligence system in a market entry strategy. Whereby, a research of analysis is made on both qualitative and quantitative methods of the integration expertise. This is simply aimed at making an accurate business decision in China which has sustainable market entry strategies (Helm, 2004). Furthermore, this can be of help in knowing the size of the market, socio-economic development surrounding the market that has led to the distribution of goods and service Therefore, the company opted for the business alliance as its major marketing strategy because the strategy enables an organization to meet most of the clients within a particular period of time. In addition, the strategy enhances the company to build good relations with the consumers thus winning their trust and loyalty. As a result, the company will attain larger market share thus attaining a competitive advantage over its competitors. Furthermore, based on the strategy the company has have the capacity of enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency in the distribution of its products because of direct communication with the clients thus understanding their demands at any particular period of time. Therefore, market entry strategy is an important element in that it enables an organization to attain a competitive advantage over its competitors. List of References Editorial, L.Developing a Market Entry Strategy and Product Launch. Gniazdo, D. (2007).Selecting a market entry strategy. Helm, R. (2004).Export market entry strategy and success. Jena: Univ., Wirtschaftswiss. Fak. Prange, C.Market entry in China.
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