Saturday, September 28, 2019
National Education Policy 1986 Essay
* Objectives and features :- The National education policy on education (1986) is known as new education policy (NEP ). The call for the National education policy was first give by Prime Minister of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi in his broadcast to the nation on 5th Jan. 1985. The need for new policy from the fact implementation of 1968 NEP was incomplete a not any National policy on Education was passed by the Loksabha on May 8th and Rajjya sabha on May 13th 1986. This policy contains XII parts and 157 paragraphs on different aspects on education. * Salient Features :- I. Essence and Role of Education :- i. All Round development : It is fundamental to have education for all and all round development, and spiritual. ii. Acculturating role- (Progressive role ): – Independence of mind and spirit. iii. Man power development –Education develops manpower for different level of the economy. It ultimate guarantee of national self-reliance. iv. Investment:- Education is an unique investment in the present and future this coordinal principle is the key to national policy on education II. National system of education: – i. Concept of national system: All student irrespective of cast, creed, location or Sex have right to have access (way ) to education of comparable quality. ii. Common Education Structure :- The national policy on education has a common education structure ie. 10+2+3 structure. This structure has now been kept in all parts of the country. 10 means -6 yrs of primary education 2 yrs of upper primary 2 yrs of high school +2 means -2 yrs of higher secondary +3 means -college of 3 yrs – degree of B. A. iii. National curricular framework: – Contains a common core along with other components that are flexible. iv. Minimum level of learning will be for each stage of education. v. International understanding strengthen peace. vi. Equal opportunity: – For promoting equality it is necessary to provide for equal opportunity. This is possible through core curriculum. vii. Promotion of link of other languages:- Many multi language dictionaries and glossaries will be published to promote link between different languages. viii. Lifelong education: – Opportunities will be provided to the youth, housewife, agricultural and industrial workers & professional to continue the education of their choice at their own place.ix. Institution of National importance: – The institutions which will be strengthened to play an important role in giving shape to the nation system of education will be development. III. Educational for Equality: – The NEP lays emphases for the equality in the following provisions. 1) Educational for women’s equality :- i. Status of women ii. Women’s study iii. Promotion of women’s illiteracy iv. Women’s participation in technical & vocational education. 2) Education of scheduled castes : Equalization of educational development with non-scheduled castes at all levels of education in all areas. 3) Education of scheduled tribes: There are various measures being taken to bring scheduled tribes with others. 4) Other Educationally backward sections and areas: Suitable incentive will be provided to all educationally backward sections of society, particularly in the rural areas. 5) Minorities: Some groups are educationally deprived greater attention will be paid to the education of these groups in the interest of equality and social justice. 6) The handicapped : – The NEP proposes to integrate the physically and mentally handicapped with the general community as equal partners. 7) Adult and continuing Education : – 1) Strengthening the existing programme. 2) Mass literacy programme 3) Programmes of adult and continuing education. IV. Reorganization of education at different stages: – New educational policy has mode valuable provisions for reorganization of education at different stages. i) Early childhood care and education : – This will be given high priority and be suitably integrated with the integrated child development services programme where ever possible. There will be * Child oriented programme. * Integration of child care and pre-primary education ii) Primary Education : – The highest priority will be given to solve the problems of children dropping out of school. a) Education should have Universal enrolment Up to 14 yrs of Age Substantial improvement in quality of education b) Child centered approach and activity based process of learning should be adopted at primary stage. c) Provisions for essential facilities in primary school. d) Non formal education- Programme launched to educate school dropouts, working children, children remain away from school. Facilities to be provided such as – * Modern technology aids. * Talented instructors * Training for instructors. * Need centered curriculum * Leaning material iii) Secondary Education : – Exposes students to understand their constitutional duties and rights as citizens. Vocationalisation through specialized institutions. iv) Vocationsation of Education : – It received a very high priority in the new policy. v) Higher Education : – Must be dynamic vi) Provision for Open University & Distance learning. V. Technical and Management Education:- Technical manpower information system will be developed and strengthen continuing Education covering established as well as emerging technologies will be promoted. Programmes of computer literacy will be organized on wide scale from school stage. Training to it will from past of professional education. VI. Making the system work:- For the progress of nation the policy should work for this purpose, it is essential that all the teachers should teach and all the students should study.
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