Friday, May 31, 2019
Truman, the Atomic Bomb, and the Shaping of the Postwar World Essay
Truman, the Atomic Bomb, and the Shaping of the Postwar WorldABSTRACT Historians have questioned the finding to drop atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. tell shows that President Truman weighed not only military information in his decision to use the bomb, but also considered postwar politics and foreign indemnity when he considered dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. An analysis of his personal papers offers a different reasoning for using the bomb than what was commonly known at the time. The discrepancy between Trumans public and private reasoning will be discussed.Many cultural and racial beliefs about the Japanese spieled into the decision to drop the atomic bomb.The private papers of President Truman as well as the diaries of other political and military figures offer helpful insights. Personal accounts of the scientists at the Trinity test site are also used in examining the decision to drop the atomic bomb.Herein, there is an analysis of post-war US foreign policy from an atomi c perspective which allows a person from my generation to understand the policies that were created by and followed from the Cold War. Assumptions About Dropping the Bomb1. Many American soldiers would have died in a land invasion of Japan. Absolutely. Casualty estimates ranged from 250,000 American casualties to more than 5,000,000 Japanese casualties in a land invasion of Japans home islands. The authoritative question is was a land invasion necessary?2. We had to use the atomic bomb in order to defeat Japan. False. There were a few options visible(prenominal) to the United States at the time. The USSR was supposed to enter the Japanese war, blockade and (aerial sorties) bombing was an option ... ...My own opinion was that the time now and the method now to partake in with Russia was to keep our mouths shut and allow our actions speak for words. The Russians will understand them better than anything else. It is a case where we have got to reg ain the lead and perhaps do it in a pretty rough and realistic way. They have rather taken it away from us because we have talked too much and have been too bountiful with our beneficences to them. This was a place where we really held all the cards. I called it a royal straight flush and we mustnt be a fool about the way we play it. They cant get along without our help and industries and we have coming into action a weapon which will be unique the atomic bomb. Now the thing is not to get into unnecessary quarrels by talking too much and not to indicate any weakness by talking too much let our actions speak for themselves.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay --
In my group, I was assigned the task to include all other relevant issues so I considered other intermediaries to help with the payment and goods transaction as well as security for the e-Business.Intermediaries to use to support your ebusinessAs our business is a virtual organization (pure-play), we would require intermediaries to perform the payment and goods transaction as we are not interacting physically with our customers.Payment systemPaypal Under Paypal, payments are do using a users existing account or with a credit card anytime, anywhere. Besides that, money can be move directly to an email address of another PayPal user. CostOpen an AccountFreeSend moneyFreeWithdraw FundsFree for $200.00 SGD or more, $1.00 SGD if up to $199.99 SGD to bank accounts in SingaporeAdd fundsFreeReceive Funds2.9% + $0.50 SGD to 3.9% + $0.50 SGDMultiple currency transactionsExchange rate includes a 2.5% fee**Reasons for using Paypal for paymentIt allows faster transaction for sending and receivi ng payments.Electronic Catalogue WIX and social mediasAs we would not have staff in a physical shop to entertain customers enquiries, we would be making use of sites such WIX and social medias such as Facebook and Twitter to help support customers with information about the business as well as the product. Reasons for using WIX and social mediasThe websites are free of charge. Shopping cart softwareIn put to help customers keep track of their items, shopping cart software is also included in the WIX website. Reasons for using WIX shopping cartThis eliminates the need to secure an outside shopping cart software.Delivery of purchaseOur e-Business would require an intermediary to deliver the items purchased by custo... ...uyer claims that they did not receive their goods, Paypal would cover for the full amount as wide as business follow the postage requirement and show evidence that the item was sent to the buyers address.Reasons for choosing the security methodsIn terms of defe nd the e-Business database, firewall is an easy and less complex method as compared to other security methods such as VPN and KPI which requires key encryption. It is also easier to obtain simply through purchase and customize through filters unlike VPN which has complicated set ups and KPI which requires a KPI security service to implement the structure.As for protection against fraud, Paypals security system would be suitable as we are using Paypal for handling payment transaction. Hence, it would be easier to claim from Paypal should there be any fraud as they would have records of our transaction.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
A Society Without Morals - The Great Gatsby Essay examples -- F. Scott
The streets are paved with gold has long been the allusion of the United States of America meaning that America is the land of opportunity and wealthiness for anyone. However what people fail to understand when they manage to get to America is that, although it is the land of opportunity, an individual is not able to magically go from dirt woeful to filthy rich, they throw off to work for it. Even after working for it many people are disappointed not because they did not get more money, they right did not as much as the expected. In the 1920s this was because of all the illegal activity that was happening through with(predicate) out the country, mainly bootleggers such as Jay Gatsby. With illegal activity comes lack of moral conscience such as marrying for money or not staying faithful in a marriage akin Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. F. Scott Fitzgerald clearly expresses the failures of American society during the 1920s in his novel The Great Gatsby throug h the characters of Gatsby, Myrtle, Tom, and Daisy. The fact that Gatsby was so desperate money in order for him to be able marry Daisy that he broke the law to get it and was able to avoid punishment is an obvious example of the failures of society. Gatsby has been in hit the hay with Daisy for five years and she has loved him, but because of his lack of money and him going off to war, Daisy picked Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man, instead. Once he returned to war, he realise he would have to make a great deal of money to win Daisy back. To do this, he decided to start up ?drug-stores? where he became a bootlegger. The reader knows that Gatsby is a bootlegger because of Tom Buchanan, who finds out excatly what Gatsby?s ?drug stores? really were. This is evident when Tom says, He...bought u... ...n world at the same time. The Great Gatsby conveys the centre to the reader the many faults in American society during the Roaring Twenties. These flaws are quite evident throughout th e novel but most strong through the character of Gatsby, Myrtle, Tom, and Daisy. Those four characters easily display to the reader honest how much lack of care there was in during the 1920s. Failure in marriage and bootlegging, although just isolated examples, are very prevalent in The Great Gatsby . Of course, money is the center of every flaw, money causes Gatsby to break the law it causes Daisy to marry into unhappiness, and causes Tom to have a wife that has never love him. Just because The Great Gatsby is centered in a 1920s society, no one can overlook its splendour on today?s society. Works CitedFitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York Macmillan, 2008.
deviance Essay -- essays research papers
The difference between a deviant act and a deviant career is antithetical in many ways. For one to start off by talking about a deviant career. A deviant career has phases that the people touch on in it go through. The fist of those phases is entering the deviant career the second is being deviant and the third is exiting the deviant career. People involved in a deviant career also goes through "career cycles- entree, upward mobility, peaks, aging, burn out, and getting out". Also "Patterns for deviant careers are more flexible and change". As for deviant acts there are different types of deviant acts. These acts consist of case-by-case deviant acts, cooperative acts, and then there is a conflict that may occur.The entering a deviant career consist of a person becoming more acquainted with a deviant act usually changes the accompany that they keep. Changing the company could be any thing from making new friends or hanging out at differe nt places. People often all shift into a deviant career by them selves or with other people. The type of deviant act is different from that of a career. The first type is called individual act. Individual acts are usually done by ones self with out the help of other people. One person usually does the act itself. Individual acts nookie also be self induced, thing like a person" taking their own life alcoholism" and a person with a domineering gambling disorder...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine Essay -- spinal injuries, repair da
What if there was a cure for cancer or a treatment for spinal injuries? Would you support the research? What if there was a charge that you could repair damaged nerves. Some believe that infrastructure cells may hold the answers to some of these questions. What be stem cells and why should you or I even business concern about them? Some believe that they be a miracle treatment waiting to happen while others believe that stem cells are highly immoral. Why does so much controversy surround the issue? Why is the conversation of stem cells feared by some and praised by others? To some stem cells are the medical hopes for the future, something for us to hang on to as we do battle with major diseases that include cancer, Parkstons disease and spinal injuries. To others stem cell researchers are murderers who are move to play Gods hand. A many require pledged their support to stem cell research including a few well know celebrities. Reeves, who was best known for his role in the ear ly Superman movies, and J. Fox two well-known celebrities, have pledged to stem cell research, both have created a private fund for the research of stem cells. This celebrity however has not swayed everyone to support stem cell researches cause. Just as there are supporters of stem cells there are those who believe that the use of stem cells is immoral. Since the first stem cells were separated there have been doctors, religious groups and even some semipolitical figure head have shown their opposition for stem cell research. Even with the knowledge and promise that stem cells show many of those who truly oppose stem cells have not changed their mind. The question is are their reasons good enough to halt the research of stem cell or are they just holding suffer what will soon be inevi... ...ntroversy. New York Facts on File Inc., 2005. Print stem Cells The Future of Medicine. University of Maryland School of Medicine Web 14 Nov 2013 arc Cell Basics. In St em Cell Information World Wide Web site Bethesda, MD National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 cited Friday, November 08, 2013 Available at Stem Cell Research. Nation Conference of State Legislatures, 2008 Web 7 Nov 2013 Top Ten Things to Know About Stem Cell Treatments. ISSCR. Web 1 November 2013 What are Stem Cells? MNT web 4 Nov 2013Monroe, Kristen, et al., eds. Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate The Scientific, Religious, Ethical and Political Issues. Los Angeles/Berkley University of California Press, 2008. Print
Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine Essay -- spinal injuries, repair da
What if there was a cure for cancer or a treatment for spinal injuries? Would you contain the research? What if there was a way that you could repair damaged nerves. Some believe that arc cells may hold the answers to most of these questions. What are stem cells and why should you or I even care about them? Some believe that they are a miracle treatment waiting to go on while others believe that stem cells are highly immoral. Why does so much controversy surround the issue? Why is the conversation of stem cells feared by some and praised by others? To some stem cells are the medical hopes for the future, something for us to hang on to as we do battle with major diseases that include cancer, Parkstons disease and spinal injuries. To others stem cell researchers are murderers who are trying to play Gods hand. A many have pledged their support to stem cell research including a few well known celebrities. Reeves, who was best known for his role in the early Superman movies, and J. Fox ii well-known celebrities, have pledged to stem cell research, both have created a private fund for the research of stem cells. This celebrity however has non swayed everyone to support stem cell researches cause. Just as there are supporters of stem cells there are those who believe that the use of stem cells is immoral. Since the first stem cells were separated there have been doctors, religious groups and even some political figure head have shown their opposition for stem cell research. Even with the knowledge and promise that stem cells show many of those who truly oppose stem cells have not changed their mind. The question is are their reasons good enough to halt the research of stem cell or are they just holding back what will soon be inevi... ...ntroversy. New York Facts on File Inc., 2005. Print stem turn Cells The Future of Medicine. University of Maryland School of Medicine Web 14 Nov 2013Stem Cell Basics. In Stem Cell Information World Wi de Web site Bethesda, MD National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 cited Friday, November 08, 2013 Available at Stem Cell Research. Nation Conference of State Legislatures, 2008 Web 7 Nov 2013 Top cristal Things to Know About Stem Cell Treatments. ISSCR. Web 1 November 2013 What are Stem Cells? MNT web 4 Nov 2013Monroe, Kristen, et al., eds. Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate The Scientific, Religious, ethical and Political Issues. Los Angeles/Berkley University of California Press, 2008. Print
Monday, May 27, 2019
The History of the African Women
70% of Afri put up women with disabilities hit them from their keep ups. In Africa, roughly women generate little or no justlys. This effects what they can do for work, how their family life is, and what future they keep back. Women through appear time, especi on the wholey in African culture, have always been subservient to men. The status of women in Africa is second-rate. In countries the like the United States, women have the same rights as men and atomic number 18 al nigh par let. But in Africa its completely different. Women have to know that they should be catch to men.Its important to understand that every race is discriminated at champion point in time. This should not happen if we have a realization. This understanding would be realizing that everyone put on this planet was created equal. Women, unfortunately, have been very discriminated against, even in this century. Women are so cruelly aspect of that now, women plan nothing wrong with mental and physical c ruelty towards them. Since the status of women in Africa, is so low, it has caused many a(prenominal) men to overpower women physically.More and much women are world beaten and weighing that it is okay because the women think men are superior to them. A frightening fact is that 16 2/3 per centum of women are battered by their partners and 46% of these cases the children are beaten too. If you go to the police and complain that your husband is abusing you or hitting you the authorities would think, Oh well she probably deserved it Said Lindy Mieza. A woman named Geli wrote about her life in which she says, My m another(prenominal) she constantly suffered terrible physical and mental abuse from him Fifty percent of women in Africa women result be mess upd in their life time.There were 23,806 rapes in the first six months of 1996. And what worse is that police estimate that for every rape reported another thirty-five takes place. South Africa, already confronting the worlds wo rst murder rate the country has a harrowing new fact to face thither is a rape every 25 seconds.. Geli wrote, Being ravish doesnt mean its by some you slangt know, I was raped by my husband and his fri rests In conclusion, when men over power women, women feel less and less important and the status of women becomes worse.Poverty is a problem because most children who grow up in poverty, die there. They dont necessary get shot or killed, they end up not being fit to climb out poverty and get a decent job, e peculiar(prenominal)ly women. Women in Africa are forced to be prostitutes because they need to support their family. When women do this they end up having a bigger family. Women live in poverty in a disproportionate number. My mother lived and died in poverty and so did her mom, one day I will too because I have no food or funds. Why have women become so much poorer? There is no one reason.In countries like Kenya and India, cut backs resulting from the International Moneta ry Funds and Structural adjustment policies (SAPs) have affected women most because they are the principal(prenominal) recipients of education and health. There are more women than men in poverty. Out of the 4. 3 million displaced 80% of them are women. In a study carried out over 20 years the number of rural women in poverty has augmentd by 50% reaching an awesome 565 million. Poverty has influenced womens lives more than any factor over the last decade. If women are in poverty they will not be up to(p) to help fight to gain their rights.For many many years, generations of girls would and will give up their education for their brother because he acquiring an education is more important than her getting one. Lindy Mieza once said, If you tone of voice at our country, it is the women who are the first to dropped at develop to give places to their brothers. Girls in Africa get a second class education. Many girls have dropped out of school because they were raped and need to t ake care of their babies that have no fathers. I once went to school, but past I was raped and had a baby. A xiv year sometime(a) girl told a reporter.Women should be able to go to school just like men but, Only the wealthiest girls are able to incur an education. , There are 52 million boys who do not go to primary school. But their are 77 million girls who dont go to school where one learns the two most important things, reading and writing. Because women are that last ones in schools and the first ones out, obviously they are the ones who cant read. If one took out nine hundred illiterate hoi polloi, women would out number men two to one. In Africa, 68. 3% of the women can not read. If women arent educated then they wont get jobs and will have no way for a secure future.Women are taught in their tribes and cultures that it is all right for men to mistreat them. This is not helping women realize that they dont have to be treated the way they are. Tribal women are brought up thinking its okay for them to be mens slaves. Once an African woman said I came to the conclusion that part of our problems with men is that we were brought up to see out lives neither without them. We were taught to consider man as our superiors, the absolute rulers not alone of our home but of our lives too. Geli said Customs and tradition told us it was normal for men to catch ones breath and abuse to cheat and do exploiter Gelis mom was abused by her husband as well as her Grandmother was abused and so was she. Geli grew up think it wasnt wrong for men to hit women. She Grew up thinking it was all right for her husband to hit her. It wasnt till American groups came and told her what her husband did was illegal, after that, she left him Women were told we were duty-bound, to remain steadfast and faithful to our husband no matter what they did do to us or how undeserving of our affections they were If women keep growing up thinking that it is right for men to overpower then wo men will never be equal to men.Since men make up all of the legal philosophys and rules most laws proteins only to men. Laws are only fair to man. Black women of Africa have suffered the most because of discriminating laws. Up in till this century women couldnt own property, vote. Get jobs, and sometimes even leave the house. The women acknowledge that under apartheid, womens issues were pushed to the back burner while black men and women fought together for liberation. But now women are devoting attention to old and pervasive obstacles.The whole system has placed women in a inferior position. Women were not involved in any environmental decisions or economical decisions. cleaning lady had different jail sentences then men. If a woman killed any one she would be put to a torturous death. If a man he would get a life time sentence with a chance of parole. In Kangaroo courts, punishment for women can be rape by a government official(s). Nelson Mendela the ancient Minister of South A frica once said, I pay tribute to the mothers and wives of our nation.You are the rockhard foundation of our struggle. Apartheid has inflicted more pain on you than anyone else. Women cant be equal to men if laws dont allow them to. If you dont get a chance to take part in you laws you dont take part in the rules the govern you life said Mrs. Shays. In African women are very prone to getting diseases. Women not only have to cross with having no rights but they also have to deal with disease. At the hospitals we see women who are brought in wheel barrows who have had ten pregnancies and have ruptured uteruses. They die in those wheel barrows. In America you have 911. You call on a tele yell and an ambulance comes.Here we cant call on a phone because their are none and you cant call for an ambulance because their are none. Also malnutrition, starvation, AIDS, and even diarrhea are deadly in Africa. 29. 3 percent of pregnant women have AIDS. Nelson Mendela once said We must give he alth to the aged to the pregnant women and to the young children. Doctors are rare and expensive in Africa. Many people who need them cant afford them. Women are the main people who take care of the family, and because if they are busy fighting off disease they cant fight for their rights.Being sick put a damper on a womens attitudes. The attitudes of womens rights are very poor, women and men have bragging(a) attitudes about it. Forty women with the idea of them having the right to vote went to court to see what they could do. When the women brought up the idea the judge just sat and laughed. He told them to leave. Men think nothing about us, we are slaves to them, and nothing more. When we asked for rights they wanted nothing to do with us. Sadly many women felt the same way. A womens rights leader said. Men dont want to let us share their power Lindy Meiza tried to lift women attitudes in her speech, We must think we can. Think you can and you can. now lets win the rights we d eserve If women think they can they can. They will rise up against men. Just like in the story The Little Engine Who Could he thought he could and then he did it. South Africa has made a new constitution with a charter for women. The new constitution will eliminate all laws that discriminate whites and black, and males and females.The new constitution with the first charter for women will give women the rights the deserved. Some of the laws are Women shall have equal legal status and capacity in civil law including amongst others, full contractual rights, the right to acquire and hold in property, the right to equal in heritance and the right to secure credit States the charter. each woman shall have the right to education and training at any stage of her life in order to realize her full potential. Women shall have special access to funds for education and training. Child care facilities shall be provided.Education to develop awareness of womens status, to build womens self confi dence and able them to claim their constitutional and legal rights should be implemented. Ensure womens full and equal participation in power structures and decision-making. Develop education and training to increase womens capacity to participate in decision-making and leadership. The state shall establish appropriate institution to ensure the effective protection and promotion of compare for women. Women demand equality in the development, application, adjudication interpretation and enforcement of the law.Women shall have equality within the family and within marriages and intimate relationships. Women shall have equal rights during and it the dissolution of a marriage. Women married under customary law shall have the right to inherit from their spouses. All family types shall be recognized and treated equally. Women shall have the right to choose the partner of their choice. Women should have equal access to financial resources of the household. Women should have equal decisio n making powers and access to information in regard to the economic management of the household.Social services should be a right not a privilege. Women must be protected from sexual harassment and force play in all places where women are working. Violence in all its forms is endemic to South African society both sexual and domestic violence are pervasive and all women live under the threat of date violence women experience secondary victimization at all stages of criminal justice system which shall include the right to be free from all forms of violence in the home in communities in the work pace and in public spaces.These are some of the important laws for women that will make drastic dislodges in Africa. Authorities have made some changes to protect women. Last year, marital rape became a crime and women can now more easily bear restraining orders against their abusers. As a result, an older man who was convicted of raping a nine year old girl received a ten year sentence. Wom en are getting rights and the MALE government is realizing that they must make both genders equal. We demand the rights we deserve. The women of Africa demanded it and they got it.Women groups, like the ANC, have been helping women win their rights. The ANC now regards the champing of womens rights an integral part of its agenda. Already the ANC has enriched the womens rights in the charter and constitutional guidelines. Theyve made laws with government to become equal. The ANC has strongly advocated that that 33% of all political nominees be women. Once the ANC was un-banned various groups unify to form the Womens Coalition to facilitate gender issues in neglected for the new government. .. countless other women-the unsung heroines of black women liberation.If more women join these womens groups, women will have some control over their own lives. Not only are women helping themselves but now other countries are onerous to help African women too. Many countries like the United States have helped Africa by donating money, sending representatives to help villages become better place for women and even given countries food. other countries are making giant leaps to gift Africa the way. The United States aid is providing 65 million or 80% of its basic education assistance to Africa, so every child will have access education.The United States also provided 4 million for the African women abuse. If other countries help Africa it will become a better place for women. Womens thoughts on the future are strong and hopeful. The fight will go on forever. Women will never be equal to men. One day men will be equal to women. Many leaders even thought even though, being beaten and jailed lighten are positive. Just like Thandi. She was an ANC leader. She protested against women have to where passes that stated information like birth, place of birth, town and reacords.At that protest, was arrested and put into jail for eight years. She says, One is nonoperational d oughtful about the future. Felicia Mabuza, another ANC member, says, South Africa is going to have to get used to seeing women in the board room as well as the bedroom. She also said, In the coming years black South African women will continue to stand and assume their roles in a fast changing society that is filled with hope and optimism. Women in Africa are gaining hope about their future. The more this happens the more confidence they will get and they will soon be able to face men as equals.To help women in Africa my organization, S. O. F. A. W. , Shout Out For African Women, will show women how to build homes, coaxes the governments to change some laws and most important give all women an education. S. O. F. A. W. will be collecting money from private and public distributors. This money will used for sending our representatives to places of poverty to show women how to build a house. We will teach them the basic skill. They women we teach will show their neighbor and then t he neighbor would teach their neighbor and so on.If we do this more and more women will get out of poverty, less and less women will live in poverty and finally we are teaching women a skill that that will be able to use. The S. O. F. A. W. is going to set up meetings with counties all over Africa. In our meetings we will try to coax the government to change laws so men and women are equal. Then we would help them enforce the laws. If the laws are equal then the women will soon be equal. Finally and most importantly the S. O. F. A. W will build 200 schools.We will build 100 primary schools because that is where reading and writing are taught, the two most important things in the world. We would build 50 high schools and 50 middle schools. Of course all of these schools will be for girls only. If women are educated the more money would know their laws and how to do something about is. If women are free from violence, if they are healthy and educated, if they can live and work as ful l and equal partners in any society their families will flourish and when they do, communities and nations will thrive. Bill Clinton.I personal think that Africa will not remain odd man out. I think this because If organizations like mine help problems like status of women, hunger, over population, health, wildlife, rainforest and black liberation problems like these will be non existancet. Women are humans, they shouldnt be treated like animals. Like I said before women need education, and jobs. But women also need better health facilities and better shelters. You can help by donating money to organizations like mine. I care because people are being hurt when they shouldnt be. Please if you can call 1-888-WOMEN-AF.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Womens Rights After the American Revolution
Nadine Elsigai APUSH Ms. Shalimar November 10, 2012 FRQ The American revolution set the wheels into motion for the Womens Rights movement, it helped shaped the lives of even todays women. amidst 1790 and 1860 the roles of women dramatically changed politically and socially, it brought on a new era for women creating a more empowered sense of womanhood opening up job opportunities and loose women a chance at equality. With the American revolution came an entirely new perspective of womanly ability.A entire political world was undefendable up to the female population education became more common for the group of white middle class women. Changing dramatically form being souly educated for religious purposes, the film for education for women increased it was a battle very quickly won and women slowly became more well-rounded and knowledgeable. Although womens legal rights were still little it was fair more evident that they were capable of more than what was previously believed.Ma ny new arguments arose questioning how a women trusted with the duty of shaping the future generation was small disposed(p). Women themselves were realizing their own abilities. During the revolution they helped as much as they could using their needlework to pay off war debts, this boosted the womens confidence many were expecting better occupations as well as voting rights. These events all led to the womens awakening and prompted them to fight for their rights.The revolution also prompted many social changes for women. The acts women accomplished during the revolution opened the eyes of many dramatically changing the role of women within society as a whole. Following the American revolution women went from begin the slaves of their household to worthy a more valued role within society. Women were slowly shedding the weak frail image of themselves and welcomed new responsibilities with opened arms.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Abuse of Prescription Drugs on College Campuses
Abuse of Drugs on College Campuses Today on college campuses, it is non possible to make it through college without sack outing some genius who has at least tried a prescription do medicines or recreational medicine for either party uses, to military service them study and keep up in school, or simply to protagonist them get by day-to-day essay writer toronto. Maybe you hit tried them yourself? College students totally across the nation are abusing substances such as Adderall, Vicodin, Oxycontin, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etcetera Those students who drink in alcoholic drink are more than credibly to use prescription medicines for non-medical uses than non-drinkers.The number one way students are getting their hands on these diametric drugs is from the help of their peers. As for prescriptions, others steal it from their family members in their medicine cabinets at home if it is available. Like any(prenominal) drug, your body will build up a permissiveness when you trade it regularly resulting in dependence of that drug and/or need of higher dos successions. Some people take down fake symptoms to get prescribed the drug needed. For example, there are multiple websites on how to fake ADHD (Attention famine Hyperactivity Disorder) so your doctor will prescribe you Adderall.Prescription Drugs All this talk and we do non know what Adderall even is. Adderall (amphetamine, dextroamphetamine mixed salts) is a prescription drug that is generally prescribed to treat people with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Some side works are euphoria, restlessness, headache, dryness of mouth, insomnia, and even anorexia because of loss of appetite. Adderall is a central queasy system stimulant which rump result in stroke or even death if the proper precautions are not met.This stimulant causes an increase in average heart rate about 3-6 shell per minute and an increase of average blood pressure about 2-4 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) (Adderall). As for Adderalls contribution to college students, it is known as Brain Steroids. Some street label for it are addy, beans, black beauties, speed, double trouble, and Christmas trees. It is in addition known as cheap cocaine. Many students use it for late-night studying because the drug keeps you awake and alert for bulky periods of quantify. The job is many students will do nything to get their hands on it in fear that they cannot do work without it. On the other hand, Adderall is also used as an all-night party drug. In the party scene, this is where Adderall is known as cheap cocaine. It is either taken viva voce or snorted before or while drinking alcohol, allowing the exploiter to stay awake and drink for a longer period of era causing their BAL (Blood Alcohol Level) to continue to rise without the user falling asleep. This can not only lead to hospitalization but it can also lead to death. Adderall is being so widely used tha t the prescription is currently on a manu situationurer backorder.The reason is because more and more people are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and in most cuttings I believe it is because people are faking the symptoms and doctors are too willingly writing out prescriptions. The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) only releases a certain amount of the drug at a time in an set out to prevent illegal tread. With the demand of Adderall being so high at this time, its presence in the market is currently scarce. A story told in Texas showed that a man drove about 80 miles away from home to fill his prescription and paid $417 for the name brand Adderall (Keith).This story comes to show how addictive this drug can be. The central nervous system stimulant Adderall is not the only form of prescription drugs being maltreated. Pain killers are also being mistreat by students, Vicodin being one example. It is used to treat mild to severe imposition with side effect of nausea, seda tion, shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, confusion, and possible seizure (Vicodin). The abuse may begin when you break a bone and are in return prescribed Vicodin for the painful sensation. You continue to take the drug until the pain goes away and may continue to take it by and by the pain is gone.I ingest psycheally seen this happen with a partner who recently broke his leg. This particular person has no more pain from the injury, but continues to take the Vicodin for recreational purposes and sometimes drinks alcohol while taking them. When mixing alcohol and Vicodin it causes an enhanced sedated feeling and/or respiratory notion making the effects life threatening. In addition to Vicodin, the pain killer Oxycontin is also widely ill-treat. It is used to treat severe pain that is expected to live on a prolonged amount of time.Oxycontin has many similar side effects of Vicodin along with sweating, itching, loss of appetite, and severe weakness. It works by blocking the thinker from receiving pain messages. The reason Oxycontin is so sober is because it is highly addictive and is a central nervous system depressant. It is believed that a younger healthier college student is more apt(predicate) to become addicted to the drug rather than an older adult taking it for pain reasons. This is because taking Oxycontin to get high has a completely different effect on the body (Oxycontin). Like most drugs, Oxycontin can be abused in many different forms.It can be taken orally, crushed up and snorted, or dissolved and injected. By crushing it up or injecting it, it causes an instant feeling of euphoria when it enters the body. Oxycontin is a great deal called poor mans heroin delinquent to the fact that they both have comparable effects. When the user is exposed to constant amounts of high doses, dependence of the drug is nearly inevitable. College students do not understand the dangerous and deadly outcomes of abusing Oxycontin. There are many cases wher e young adults in college have died from abusing it as a party drug.One case at the University of California, a student was not so lucky. Daniel Ashkenazy, a pre-law student was found dead at the age of 20 the morning by and by a fraternity rush party after taking Oxycontin while drinking alcohol. The shocking part is that a lot of times there are no signs of drug abuse and you do not have to be addicted to the drug for it to kill you. Daniel was a junior at the college with a 3. 8 grade-point average and frequently spoke with his mother. some other case at Colorado State University, 20 division old John Hunter-Hauck was found dead by his roommates the day after an off-campus party.His phase modulation revealed traces of Oxycontin and alcohol in his system which resulted in his death. Moving away from pain killers, alprazolam is a highly abused prescription drug used to treat anxiety and fright disorders. Common street names for the drug are bars, blues, peaches, and handlebars . Xanax has a calming effect that controls the chemicals in your brain that cause anxiety. Some side effects may include drowsiness, depression, dry mouth, constipation, and headache. Students turn to this drug because it has similar effects of alcohol. Also, it is used to help take the edge off the constant stresses and demands that college puts on a student.When taking it in bar form rather than the smaller dosage pill, the effects are so intense that you lose your ability to reason and think. When Xanax is mixed with alcohol, the effects are either intensified or reversed causing even greater anxiety because they are both central nervous system depressants (Xanax). Like Xanax, the prescription drug Valium is taken to reduce anxiety but it also used to treat muscle spasms and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Some side effects may include dizziness, fatigue, and muscle weakness. When mixing Valium with alcohol you may experience difficulty breathing and it may cause you to pass out.If too much Valium or alcohol is taken, it could lead to a coma. The effects of alcohol are stronger and you are unable to drink a much as you normally do. afterward long term use, dependence may form. Insomnia, panic attacks, tremors, and/or depression may occur after a sudden stoppage from taking Valium (Valium). Prescription drug abuse among college students has become so rampant that there are parties specifically intended for exchanging these drugs. They are known as pharm parties. The basis of a pharm party is that everyone who attends brings their own prescription drugs and freely exchanges these drugs for other drugs.They sometimes even put all the pills into a large bowl and ingest whatever pills they pick out. Being that many of these individuals are willing to try anything new, they do not always know what prescription they are taking which results in different forms of potentially dangerous highs (Alexander). Even places one would believe to be a safe route for help are n ot always so safe. Recently in Indiana County, PA, a doctor at the Indiana Walk-in Clinic was arrested and accused of exchanging powerful pain medications for sexual favors. This just shows what extremes people will go through to get the drugs that they need.The doctor was providing prescriptions of Oxycodone to the patient despite the fact that he was aware she previously failed drug screenings at the clinic (Indiana Co. Doctor). So what happens when a college student is caught selling their prescription medication in the library during finals week or in the hallway of a school building? The consequence is that of a felony offense, although different states have different laws regarding the selling of a controlled substance. In some states you could be sentenced prison time or you could be let off on easier charges if you are a first time offender.The same ramification is in effect if you are caught purchase the drug as well. Recreational Drugs Prescription drugs are not the only substances where abuse is a problem. On college campuses, alcohol is by far the most practiced issue. Almost half of college students drink to the point of drunken revelry drinking or drink in greater excess. Binge drinking means a persons blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches 0. 08 grams percent or higher. The BAC generally reaches this after a man consumes 5 or more drinks or a woman consumes 4 or more drinks within 2 hours.This kind of drinking is what effects students the most. When under this influence, students are more homogeneously to fall merchantman with school work, skip their classes, engage is risky or illegal activities, or be injured. The issue of binge drinking is not easily controlled due to the fact that alcohol fits within a students budget and it is very easy to access(Alcohols Damaging make).. Alcohol is used in many social situations in college such as fraternity/sorority parties, house parties, tailgating for sporting events, or just going to the bar .In these social settings, students are more likely to drink more in a short period of time resulting in a blackout. A blackout is where you are intoxicated to the point where you cannot conceive specific events that take place or you may not remember anything from a certain point on (Alcohols Damaging set up). This stage in consuming alcohol is the most dangerous because the person may have little or no memory of risky actions like driving under the influence, piquant in unprotected sex, or committing illegal acts (Binge Drinking). Some students are less fortunate nd preferably of blacking out, the consequence is death. Samantha Spady, a sophomore at Colorado State University, was found dead at a fraternity house at the age of only 19. The cause of death being binge drinking. Binge drinking also leads to a high risk for sexual assault, where women are mostly the victims. After consuming over 10 drinks in one sitting, about 60% of young women are sexually assaulted after their f irst semester of college (Freshman womens binge drinking). Sexual assault can range anywhere from unwilling sexual interaction or even worse, rape.Since alcohol is the most frequently abused substance, marijuana is the runner-up (Boyum). Marijuana, also known as pot or weed, is usually smoked either like a cigarette (joint), blunt/cigar form, or from a pipe. It can also be ingested by cooking it into food or brewed into tea (NIDA InfoFacts). Marijuana is considered a gateway drug that opens up users to even harder and more dangerous drugs. The effects of smoking weed can include paranoia, random thinking, short term memory, anxiety, and distorted sense of time (Marijuana Uses).College students often turn to marijuana use because it helps to take the edge off of everyday college demands and responsibilities. Weed smokers are more likely to spend more time engaging in party-like activities rather than studying due to difficulty concentrating (Ray). Results from continued use will more than likely result in poorer grades, possible changes in face-to-face relationships, inability to retain new information, or difficulty comprehending information (Ray). Some say marijuana is addictive yet some say it is not. So what is an abused drug that is addictive?Cocaine. We have already found that Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant, and so is cocaine but highly more addictive and powerful. Cocaine (coke) is usually snorted but it can also be mixed into water and injected. Regardless the way it is used, it enters the bloodstream quickly and the effects only take seconds. The results are similar to that of Adderall yet much stronger causing very high levels of mental alertness and energy. It works by increasing the levels of dopamine in the brain which is a chemical associated with pleasure.Long term usage can cause addiction because it is disrupting the brains reward system and will not produce dopamine in a normal fashion as it did prior to using the drug. It may sound like an amazing drug that causes its user to have a feeling of euphoria each time it is used, but the problem is it is very easy to overdose. Over time, a tolerance may build up causing the user to take more and more of the drug attempting to achieve the euphoric feeling they had the first time they tried it. Needless to say, this can in the end result in overdose and death (NIDA InfoFacts).Cocaine can even effect life decisions as serious as what college to attend. Paige, a student at the University of Miami make her decision to attend there because she found that coke was cheap and very easy to get. Luckily for Paige, she stopped using the drug after her first year attending the college because it stopped being a fun thing for her to do (Shepherd). Another case was that of a former student of the University of Miami, who was identified by her kernel name Xavier. She stated that using coke not only affected her grades, but also her relationships with friends.Her grades wer e so bad that she was unable to continue attending the university. Another effect of coke is loss of appetite, and Xavier even admitted that was one of the reasons she continued to use it. Its so addictive that your life revolves around coke, she state. I was failing school, and I wasnt going to class because you dont accreditedly have the desire for anything while on coke. After leaving the university, she stopped using the drug and her grades have improved as she now attends Miami Dade in hopes to re-enroll at the University of Miami (Shepherd).In Andria Zieglers case, she was found dead at her Paradise Valley Community College professors home. The autopsy revealed the 19-year-olds death was caused by an accidental cocaine overdose (College Student Dies). Another popular drug among college students has a completely different effect than any of the previous drugs. These drugs are called hallucinogens. A common form is LSD (Lysergic Acid Diathylamide), also known as acid. It most often comes in the form of charge sheet papers, which are small paper squares that are dipped in LSD. Other forms include powder, liquid, pills, and capsules.Taking the drug results in a trip lasting around 12 hours with feelings of mind-altering changes in thought and mood, distorted perceptions of reality, and can cause hallucinations (LSD). College students are attracted to acid because of its easy availability, cheap prices, and mind-altering perceptions (Loglisci). A user can either have a very pleasurable experience or have a very terrific bad trip. Each time acid is taken the results are different and have extremely unpredictable outcomes. Not only does the trip affect you when you take it, but it may also result in flashbacks of the experience weeks or even months later.These recurrences are also unpredictable and will lessen over time(Hallucinogens). Another similar psychotropic drug linked to LSD is mushrooms. They are also known as magic mushrooms or shrooms which cont ain psilocybin (a hallucinogenic principle). Shrooms can either be orally ingested or brewed into tea and drank. They have very similar effects of acid being that they cause trips that can either be pleasant or terrifying but they also cause altered perceptions of sight, touch, and taste. The long term effects are the same and can cause horrific flashbacks that can occur long after taking the drug (Mushrooms).The scariest aspect of this drug is that when you are around the students taking it, you do not know what is going to happen, depending on the outcome of the trip. I have personally experienced a friend tripping on shrooms and it was not a pleasant experience. It happened to be a bad trip and he was severely depressed and talking about life in a very serious manner. It was quite a frightening experience. Although I have neer seen anyone take acid, I was told a story from another friend who tried it. They were two students at IUP who were bored one night and decided to try the drug.My friend explained to me that the two of them sat in a room all night until morning writing their thoughts on post-it notes and sticking them all over the wall until it was covered. She said that the next day they read the notes and had not one clue as to what any of them meant because they did not remember what was going through their heads at the time of the trip. A case in New York showed that Michael Simmons, a 19-year-old student at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts was found dead after an 8-story fall from his vestibule window.Nothing was posted about the autopsy, but friends said that it happened after Michael and a few others consumed hallucinogenic mushrooms (Feeney, Gendar, and Lauinger). It is a scary thought to think that if you take a hallucinogenic drug you could possibly have a terrifying experience, jump out of an 8-story window to your death, or possibly not remember anything at all. In conclusion, it is ca-ca from the sources displayed in this art icle that recreational drugs and prescription drugs will always be in demand for certain users.As a responsible and sovereign society it is ones personal responsibility to understand the threats and consequences of these substances. Recreational drugs and prescription drugs alike all have potentially hurtful and sometimes bleak effect on the human body. The sad truth is that these drugs are all addictive and are easy to miss use in the wrong hands. Unfortunately this is a real and unfortunate fact of the world we live. Different individuals and personalities handle and make with decisions their own way. Drug use to some is a personal choice.With new knowledge in drug awareness it is our responsibility as a society and individuals to educate, influence, and prevent the harmful and potentially fatal effects of drug abuse. To avoid potentially harmful or life threatening situations please consider the data and message displayed in this paper. Works Cited Adderall. Rxlist. com. Rxlis t, N. p. , Web 20 Oct. 2011. Alcohols Damaging cause On The Brain. Nih. gov. National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism, Oct. 2004. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Alexander, Deborah, Pharm-Raised Teens Oxycontin Abuse Prevalent Among Adolescents, alexanderlawoffice. om. N. p. , Web. 13 Oct. 2011. Binge Drinking on College Campuses. Cspinet. org. Center For skill In The Public Interest, Dec. 2008. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Boyum, Richard. A Two Edged Sword Marijuana Use and College Students. Selfcounseling. com. N. p. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. College Student Dies After Overdosing on Cocaine at Home of Professor, Her Alleged Lover. Foxnews. com. FOX News Network, 5 June 2008. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Coroner Alcohol Poisoning Killed CSU Student. Thedenverchannel. com. Denver News, 17 Sept. 2004. Web. 5 Dec. 2011. Feeney, Michael J. Alison Gendar, and John Lauinger. Friends say mushrooms contributed to Brooklyn College students fatal fall. NY Daily Times. 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Freshman wom ens binge drinking tied to sexual assault risk. Jsad. com. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Jan. 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2011. Hallucinogens. Justive. gov. join States Drug Enforcement Administration, N. p. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Indiana Co. Doctor Charged With Trading Drugs for Sex. Wpxi. com. 12 Oct 2011. Web. 20 Oct. 2011. Jacobs, Andrew, The Adderall Advantage. Nytimes. com. The New York Times, 31 July 2005.Web. 24 Oct. 2011. Keith, Damali, Adderall Shortage Has Many Worried. Myfoxhouston. com. 30 Aug. 2011. Loglisci, Carolean A. , LSD popular for college students. Dailycampus. com. The Daily Campus, 25 Apr. 2001. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. LSD (Acid). Drugabuse. com. National Institute on Drug Abuse, N. p. Web. 23 Nov 2011. Marijuana Use and Its Effects. Webmd. com. WebMD, N. p. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Mushrooms. Drugfree. org. The alliance at Drugfree. org, N. p. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. NIDA InfoFacts Cocaine. Drugabuse. com. National Institute on Drug Abuse, N. p. Web. 23 Nov. 011. N IDA InfoFacts Marijuana. Drugabuse. com. National Institute on Drug Abuse, N. p. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Oxycontin. RxList. com. Rxlist, N. p. , Web. 13 Oct. 2011 Ray, Linda. What Are the Effects of Marijuana Use on College Students? Livestrong. com. 17 May 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Shepherd, Lauren. Cocaine used by college students. UPIU. com. UPIU, 19 Dec. 2008. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Vicodin. RxList. com. Rxlist, N. p. , Web. 13 Oct. 2011 Williams, Eni, Valium. Rxlist. com. Rxlist, N. p. , Web. 13 Oct. 2011. Xanax. RxList. com. Rxlist, N. p. , Web. 13 Oct. 2011.
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Comparison between Eastern and Western Philosophy Essay
Have you thought about the questionIs the world around us knowable? For most westerlyers, the answer is positive. But if you ask a Chinese the same question, you would get the reply like I dont know. or Does it matter? The sympathy stooge it is the difference between eastern and Western school of thought. A variety of philosophy schools around the world have pondered these kinds of philosophical problems for thousands years and some of them are super representative (like Confucianism for Eastern and reality for Western). Though they are confronted with the same questions, the focal points are usu on the wholey different from all(prenominal) other, which is caused by the disparity of their opinions toward the importance of philosophical problems. Western philosophy whoremaster be divided into Ancient Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy, modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy, while Eastern philosophy includes Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy, Japanese philosop hy etc. in that location is no doubt that the similarities between them are obvious, yet the focus of Eastern philosophy is in society whereas Westerns is in universe.Because the understanding from a single side is always partial, the purpose of this paper is to illustrate the major differences between the focus and methodology of Eastern and Western philosophy traditions and explain the possible causes behind it. When it comes to philosophy, Eastern philosophers frivol away an individual inner world as starting point and put the principles of genial life at the first place while Westerners will speculate on it from a universal perspective and try to figure out the principles behind the world. As Fung (1984) states that from a philosophical perspective, the highest achievement a man could realize is to be a sage and the casual task of dealing with social affairs in valet relations is a part of the process of being a sage. However, for Western philosophers, they are inclined to p ut the origin of all things in the universe at first place, and then analyze how the world works. As Windelband (1956) illustrates, the storey of Western philosophy is an insight into the origin of European science in habitual, which shows the reason behind Western philosophers preference.This difference overly appears in Eastern and Western philosophys attitudes toward politics. In the ancient period, both Eastern and Western philosophers contend the role of policy maker. Dong Zhongshu, who is one of the most successful Confucian in political area inChinese history (as his theories had been draw a bead onn as the usual embodiment of the policy of running the country), put forward the Three cardinal guides (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and Five constant virtues (benevolence righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity) to do emperor Wu to strengthen his domination (Queen, 1996). All of these principles are highly related to social life sin ce Dong deliberates the core of philosophy is humanity and the society ineluctably to be ordered by regulating peoples social life. Similarly, Plato, who is a representative figure of ancient Greek philosophy, also offered his political opinions, which is highly related to his theory of forms. As for Plato, the structure of a state is similar to a human body. The workers represent the abdomen the warriors represent the chest and the philosopher kings represent the head, which are corresponding to productive, protective and governing respectively (Gaarder, 1996).It is noticeable to point out that while the Confucians political view is based on human nature since they take individual citizen as the basic unit of society, Platonism tries to analyze the structure of a state from a general perspective, which is focus on a general perspective. The difference between the methodology of Eastern and Western philosophy is also a big concern. As Spirkin concluded that Methodology is a system of principles and general ways of organizing and structuring theoretical and practical activity, and also the theory of this system. Nonetheless, there is no concept like methodology that appears in most Eastern philosophy classics. There are famous Chinese philosophical classics like the Analects of Confucius and Tao Te Ching, which are not monumental masterpieces but express their ideas through a philosophers sayings and behaviors. Does that mean there is no methodology in Eastern philosophy? The fact is the methodology of Eastern and Western philosophy is extremely different from each other and we push asidenot use the definition of Western philosophy to judge Eastern philosophy.As Easterners do not have a system of principles and methods to solve problems, they take the principles of social life as methodology, which faecal matter be summarized as doctrine of the mean. In contras, Western philosophy has a set of theories of reasoning (like syllogism and deductive reasoning), which can form peoples decisive mind habit. As Hamilton and Webster (2009) states in their book about culture difference Difference in approach can also be seen in negotiations.Westerners expect to focus on contentious issues and try to achieve the most beneficial outcomes for themselves. In contrast, the Japanese prefer to address areas of agreement, with the expectation that harmony will lead to the resolution of details. In other words, as a result of putting high value on social relationship, the methodology of Eastern philosophy comes from predecessors experiences and people chronically take others feeling into consideration, whereas Westerners usually take themselves as starting points, advocate self-directed and rational thoughts as well. For another instance, both Eastern and Western world had experienced a lot of reforms, but the leader of the reform would take all different approaches.During the period of hundred days reform, which happened in China in 1898, Kang YouWei , who is the leader of this reform, spread his ideas of reform by annotating Confucius classics (Karl and Zarrow, 2002). Like rational, there is also a famous reform that happened in France in 1800sthe Age of enlightenment. The leaders of this reform set up their own theories of society and pointed their arrows toward feudal class today (Dora, 1979), which is extremely different from Kangs approach. One of the greatest reasons for the difference between Eastern and Western philosophy is geography. As Windelband (1956) notes, the history of the philosophy of the Greeks, like the history of their political development, requires a larger conception of its political relations would imply. This shows that geography plays a significantly important role in the development of philosophy. Generally speaking, the ii main sources of Eastern philosophyChina and Indiaare agriculture countries. There are two expressions in the Chinese language which can both be translated as the world. One is a ll beneath the sky and the other is all within the four seas. (Fung, 1948).As agriculture activities are regular and predicable, Easterners prefer to believe past experience rather than abstract principles. Thats why the sayings and behaviors of a sage can be the best philosophy lesson for Easternersbecause they are specific and comprehendible. And yet, Western countries are very close to ocean. As Windelband (1956) cites homer The natural link of the three great continents was this sea, with its islands and coasts occupied by the most gifted of people, which from the earliest historical times had settled all its coasts. As a result, most Western countries are highly commercialized and industrialized. Innovation andbreakthrough are always greatly required, which means only the theories based on logic and reasoning can be valued. As Confucius once said, The wise move the good stay still. The wise are happy the good endure (Confucius and James, 2010). Though it is not his original me aning, this saying shows the difference between the personality of the ancient Chinese and Greeks from a geographical perspective.Lets move back to the question at the beginningIs the world around us knowable? The different answers toward it imply the real reasons behind the differences between Eastern and Western philosophy and that is the ways they look the world. While Easterners pay attention to the balance of the inner world, Westerners are trying to conquer the international world. This is why Westerners will say Yes to this question because they have achieved a lot of accomplishments in discovering the secrets of the world already. But for most Easterners they pay more attention to their daily life and relationships with others, which make them cannot respond to this question with a certain answer. Both the differences of emphasis and methodology can be explained from this perspective. To a great extent, geographical factors contributed hugely to this process and sometimes make the gap grow. Eastern and Western philosophy need to learn from each other, as it is the only way to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of themselves. We all have a belief that he different philosophy will melt with each other rather than against in the future.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Cell phones Essay
First, cell ph onenesss argon impersonal and rather anti-social. If a kid were using their phone to text during class all(prenominal) the time, they would non wishing to be as right at actually talking to others, which would degenerate social skills, which be very important in life for jobs, creating good family relationships, and making and keeping friends. It is not just about safety or reassurance.Yes, I want my kids to chew the fat each morning when they arrive at give instruction and each afternoon when they leave, and there argon so few pay phones anymore on which to do that. However, my childrens lives are in addition enriched by the immunity to travel to a variety of extracurricular activities or social engagements without an adult chaperone.That is only possible beca apply an adult is just a phone call away. If children are not allowed to keep their cell phones during the coach dayoff and in their backpacks or lockersthe drill system is governing my parenting and my childrens behavior during non-school time. The affecting school has no such right. Besides, teachers should be teaching, not spending precious time tagging and bagging confiscated electronics.Secondly, the unsettled phones can be a distraction to the students if the school allows them to bring. For instance, during lesson time, it is know that students cannot use it when the teacher is teaching. Some students may just use it underneath their desks or behind their textbook and ultimately this will affect their grades. Lastly, bringing mobile phones to school will only increase the temptations of other students to steal the phones. As some students have the newest, latest phones like the iPhone 4s and Samsung Galaxy S2, some bad students may keep a look out and might steal from them.Not only will the victim be disheartened, the thief will think that he or she will be adequate to get away from it every time. However, there are some reasons wherefore mobile phones should not be tabu in schools. For example, if there is a family emergency like the students grandma is in the hospital, or his or her house caught fire, their parents will be able to contact them.In addition, it would certainly be distracting for the teacher trying to talk over students who are talking when they are. One of the best ways to get in trouble during class is to talk when the teacher is talking, for it districts the teacher, the student, and their classmates if cell phonewere allowed in school, they would increase the add up of time students are talking when they dont need to, making the class more difficult to teach, take longer, and be less educational. jail cell phones could also provide a means of cheating on tests. Almost all cell phones have texting, and kids have become good at texting without being caught. It would be easy for kids to text each other the answers to tests during testing sessions if everyone is allowed to use their phone during class. If teachers ask what st udents are doing, they can just say that they are texting their mom.These days, mobile phones are everywhere on the streets. Mobile phones are not what they utilise to be for only business or texting. Now, there are games, music and camera functions available in a mobile phone. Hence, I agree that mobile phones should be banned in schools, as there are disadvantages of students bringing their phones to school. Firstly, bringing their mobile phones to school is troubling matter.As students might misplace their mobile phones in the school canteen or their classrooms and forget them. There may be dishonest students who will take the mobile phone and not report it to the discipline head. This is one of the reasons why mobile phones should be banned.In a society where almost everyone over the impressive age of thirteen carries a cell phone, pager, or both, many school systems have banned these items from school grounds. Why? Many say it is due to the powerful potential problems, such as texting during classes. Others say it is because they interrupt the learning environment. whatsoever the reason the powerful school boards give, should cell phones really be banned from school premise? In a day and age where everyone relies heavily upon sophisticated technology for communication, cell phones are a good thing to have, especially for high school students.Many students have after-school activities, such as a sport or a club that they participate in after school hours, when most people, including the office staff, have already gone home for the day. The students need a way to contact their parents during and after these activities, and vice versa. If cell phones were banned from school grounds, even just during school hours, how would the kids contact their parents afterwards?With only one or two phones in the spectacular office or on a coach, having thirty or more students per activity coming in to use the phone one after the affecting other is just ridiculous. It would take hours, something that would take minutes overall if the kids each had their own cell phone. The board, principals, and teachers alike are concerned that if cell phones are allowed in school, there will be problems with texting in class. The solution to this is to make a rule that says cell phones have to be off and put away during school hours. If a student is caught texting in class, have the teacher take up the phone for the spectacular day, or perhaps even until the next day.This seems like a reasonable compromise, because that way the kids are still able to contact whomever they need to after school, but are unleash from distractions during the day. So that they can call and let their parents know to come pick them up after a sport is over. So if they are sick or they are not felling so well so that their parents could come and pick them up if they do not feel so good. mobile phone phones, while they might seem like nothing but a distraction and a safety hazard for school across the country, are in actuality quite the opposite. Banning cell phones from the school premises will only ever have detrimental effects. As long as there is a sensible rule in place, such as Students are required to leave cell phones off and out of sight during school hours, there is no chance of distractions or of safety hazards because of them. After all, there is probably more of a chance a kid will blow up and fall than the chance of a cell phone being a distraction when it is turned off, is not there.However, cell phones can also be used for less important reasons, such as excessive amounts of texting. One big issue concerning cell phones and teenagers is the use of cell phones in school. Many teenagers weigh that cell phones should be allowed in school, during class. However, cell phones should not be allowed during school, because they would provide distractions for students and teachers, allow for cheating on tests, and for other social reasons. If a students cell phone rang during class, it would obviously distract him from the class and whatever the teacher is teaching. If this continued, it could prove detrimental to that students education.In conclusion, considering all the reasons, I strongly stand with that mobile phones should be banned as it is a distraction to the students and their phones might be stolen. Should there be an emergency, the parents can call up the school and the school can immediately inform the student. Thus, mobile phones should be banned in schools. It would be quite distracting for those students, and for their classmates. Cell phones also can cause social problems, which would only increase if cell phones were allowed in school.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
International Biss
Arrow and the app arel industry Solved Case Study Arrow and the apparel industry Q1. wherefore did Arvind move choose globalization as the major route to achieve growth when the domestic food market was huge? Ans. The reasons of choosing global market by Arvind Mills are 1. Market seeking motives, such as exclusiveness of product and service with high productivity, stringent in-line quality control and an encouraging manufacturing atmosphere. 2.Economic motives, such as profit making by implementing cutting edge technologies to achieve economies of scale and spreading RD costs. etc. 3. Strategic motives, such as buying-up of heave units, departing worldwide and fixing German and US sign names. Q2. How does lifting of Country-wise quota regime help Arvind Mills? Ans. The lifting of Country-wise quota regime surged a demand for high quality garments from India while Arvind brands crossed of all timeyplace Rs. 60 crore in the year 2002 and planned to setup two more high tech e xport-oriented factories in India.And now, Arvind has the largest network of 64 outlets with 30 retail duress and 200 multi-brand outlets all all over India. The current turnover of Arvind Brand is about Rs. 85 crore, which aimed to reach Rs. 100 crore with 1200-3000 outlets across 480-800 towns. Q3. W palpebra lessons arouse other Indian commercial enterprisees get a line from the experience of Arvind Mills? Ans. Arvind Mills is one of the trademarks of Indian market, which executed diverse patterns of business. Arvind brand extended the multinational brands in small towns of India.Of course, many other business brands in India now follows Arvind brand. The other Indian businesses should learn a lot from Arvind Mills international outset of market Multi-regional integration approach union and attainment, strategical alliances, international delegates, global network formation changes in internal organization, etc. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Case 1-BPO BANE OR BOON? Which of th e theories of international trade can help Indian services suppliersgain competitive edge over their competitors?The theory of free markets can help indian services providers gain competitive edgeover their compititors because India has got an edge over other countries at this pointof time but other nations may try to make their products look cheaper bymanipulating their currencies or by compel restrictions on imported serviceespecially from india We need to do nearthing like this do nearthing better than your competitors (either make a better product, market it better, service it better, price it cheaper, whatever). Pick up some Indian services providers.With the help of Michael Portersdiamond, analyze their strengths and weaknesses as active players in BPO. WNS, which was established in 1996 and transformed from a captive provider to athird-party provider in 2002, announced in December 2004 a new organizationalstructure foc utilize on its vertical business units. The change t o the vertical focus wasmade to pore the federations domain expertise develop new services andtechnologies create superior manageer paths for talented managers continue toemphasize entrepreneurship and empowerment, and win and retain business bydelivering exceptional rate to its clients.The companys business units are organized into the following vertical sectors travelservices insurance services financial services enterprise services (including financialand invoice services, human resource accounting and health care butt againsting),and fellowship services (including primary and secondary research, and analytics). Each unit is managed by a chief executive officer and has its own feed and salesteams, and draws upon support and enabling services across the company. We have seen numerous tangible benefits to our decision in 2004 to more sharply focus our vertical structure, stated Neeraj Bhargava, congregation CEO. Specifically, wehave streng whereforeed our leadership role in the BPO industry continued to distinguishWNS from our competitors through our differentiated strategy maintained our recordof creating value for our key constituencies, especially customers and employees, and broadened our global perspective, frankincense enhancing our ability to help companies meettheir business challenges. These developments reflect positively some(prenominal) on the soundness of our decision, as wellas the breadth and depth of WNS management team, which is uniquely qualified tolead this company. Mr. Bhargava added hat WNS travel unit continues to be the offshore industry leaderin this segment with a dominant market share, but that WNS formalization of ourvertical structure clearly allowed us to cave in additional resources to our non-traveloperations especially financial services, which include mortgage and insurance. As aresult, we have strengthened our expertise and operations in each of our offerings, aswell as across the company as a on the whole. Com pare this case with the case given at the beginning of this chapter. Whatsimilarities and dissimilarities do you notice?Your analysis should be based onthe theories explained. Evalueserve Based in Gurgaon, it has 650 people engaged in market research andbusiness intelligence. Nearly 45% of the companys r scourues come from math relatedprojects. Evalueserve has a research firm called worldwide Sourcing Now, whichspecialises in high-quality research reports. WNS A Mumbai-based BPO, WNS has just started its KPO di fantasy for market researchwith 300 people. It operates in the knowledge services business segment and offershigh-end services such as market, investment and business research.Wipro BPO In 2002, Wipro took a quantum jump in the BPO services by acquiring thethen Spectramind. Wipro Limited (Wipro) is engaged in the areas of information technology (IT), services,IT products and consumer care and lighting products. The Company is organized infour segments IT services, IT produc ts, consumer care and lighting, and others. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 (fiscal 2009), 94% of Wipros in operation(p)income was generated from its IT Services. In Fiscal 2009, IT products represented3% of its operating income, and consumer care and lighting, and others represented3% of operating income.The Companys IT services segment provides a range of ITand IT-en abled services. In January 2009, Wipro Technologies acquired Citi Technology Services Ltd. (India), the India-based captive provider of technologyinfrastructure services (TIS), application development and tutelage services forcards, capital markets and corporate banking. Similarities 1. Require knowledge transfer of the organizations business processes2. Involve migration of jobs (along with some people too) to another country3. Necessitated by business compulsions such as cost reduction or sententiousage of resources4.Technology intensive exercise/process needing a global delivery model5. Requires str uctured migration process to minimize the probability of failure6. ITO and BPO Partners are both affected toughly by attrition in the workforceDifferences1. Skills required in the people are different IT requires strong technology focuswhile BPO requires strong process instinct focus2. Replacement of resources (on account of attrition) is easier and cheaper in BPOsthan ITOs3. ITO staffing strategy is to hire trained people whereas BPO staffing strategy aimsto hire the crowd and train them4.ITO results in loss of jobs to knowledge workers but they dont care since theycan get plenty of jobs elsewhere BPO results in loss of jobs to lower skilled processworkers often they do not have anywhere else to go ITO Information Technology OutsourcingBPO Business Process Outsourcing These are two heads, ITO is bent towards technology i. e. software outsourcing,whereas BPO is inclined towards process outsourcing. When we say process that could be in operation(p) (admin, HR, accounts) share d by all theindustries or technical depending upon each industry and skills required.Moreover, the KPORPOMPOPPOEPO and all the newbies are parcel of nicheindustries vis-a-vis skills required. Case 2 PERU What are some current anaesthetizes facing Peru? What is the climate for doing businessin Peru today? During the 1970s, the Peruvian government nationalized a number of industries andfactories and began hang inning them for the profit of the state in most cases, these state run ventures became disasters. Peruvian government are facing problem with lack of advance and latest equipmentfor both locating as well as catching and then loading and unloading the fish.Peruvian government might step in during the next couple of years and again takeover the business. If this were to happen, it might take an additional ecstasy for the contribute to be repaid. If the government were to allow the fleet owner to operate thefleet the way he has over the last decade, the fleet the way he has over the lastdecade, the loan could be repaid within seven years. Peru is located on the west coast of South America What type of political risks does this fishing company need to rate? Identifyand describe them. Political Risk can be divided into several types of threats. Interference with operations Confiscation (they take a piece of equipment) Expropriation (they take the whole company) Nationalization (they take all the companies in a business sector) Economic instability, which effects production Currency Repatriation, not being able to get your capital out Currency Inconvertibility, not being able to exchange your money for another currency of international value (yen, dollars, pounds) Contract Repudiation Persistent and hash out refusal to honor obligations as set forth in a Contract What types of integrative and protective and defensive techniques can the bankuse? Some prevention techniques apply to case-by-case banks, independently of the rest of the economy. * A ba nk can take deposits from depositors who do not observe commoninformation that might spark a run. For example, in the days onwards depositinsurance, it made sense for a bank to have a large lobby and fast service, to preventa line of depositors from extending out into the street, causing passers-by to inferthat a bank run is occurring. 1* Banks can encourage customers to make term deposits that cannot be withdrawnon demand.If term deposits form a high enough percentage of a banks liabilities itsvulnerability to bank runs will be reduced considerably. The drawback is that bankshave to pay a higher interest rate on term deposits. * A bank can temporarily suspend withdrawals to stop a run this is calledsuspension of convertibility. In many cases the threat of suspension prevents the run,which means the threat need not be carried out. 1* Bank regulation or other constraints can impose a take for ratio requirement,which limits the proportion of deposits which a bank can lend ut, making it less likelyfor a bank run to start, as more reserves will be available to satisfy the demands of depositors. 5 This practice sets a limit on the fraction in fractional-reserve banking. * Full-reserve banking is the hypothetical case where the reserve ratio is set to100%. Under this approach, the risk of bank runs would be eliminated,11 and bankswould match maturities of deposits and loans to avoid vulnerability to runs. Would the bank be better off negotiating the loan in New York or in Lima? Why?We can think like that New York Bank is in better position to do dialogue with Limain their own terms and condition. The biggest problem is that the ships are getting oldand they needs an influx of capital of make repairs and add new technology. As theyexplained it to the new York banker. Fishing is no longer just an art. There is a greatdeal of technology involved. And to keep costs low and be competitive on the worldmarket, you have to have the latest equipment for both locating as w ell as catchingand then loading and unloading the fish Case 3RED BECOMING THICKERWhy that Coke is has not been able to make profit in its Indian operations? Coca-Colas operations in India have come under intense scrutiny as manycommunities are experiencing severe water shortages as well as contaminatedgroundwater and soil that some assert 18 are a result of Coca-Colas bottlingoperations. A massive movement has emerged across India to gestate the Coca-ColaCompany accountable for its actions. The state of Kerala imposed a ban of colas fromthe state only to be quashed by Coca Cola the matter is pending in the supremecourt. recognition needed The Plachimada plant in Kerala state, one of Coca-Colaslargest bottling facilities in India, has remained shut for 17 months now because thevillage council has refused to renew its license, blaming the company for causingwater shortages and pollution. In the initial period of setting the business in India, the COKE was not able tomake profit from the Indian operation. This is due to a number of factors. The local population is not accustomed to drinking cola drinks. The market needs to be unquestionable. The initial bottleneck was the lack of adequate network of distributors. Product distribution was weak. The poor distribution created negative impaction the market growth. the great unwashed was low. Overheads were growing. The operation profit was negligible. Do you think that Coke should continue to stay in India? If yes, why? I would like to mention some points if in browse Coke wants to continue its operation inIndia. The allegations in other ways helped Coca-Cola Company, India to show theircorporate social responsibility and to maintain good product quality standards. Theinitiatives all over India helped them reach villages for a good cause and alsoindirectly marketed their products with establishing a trust among the public.After allthese allegations, the CSE is still not convinced of the quality of the prod uct. Therefore, Coca-Cola must prove that they have upgraded their lab with sophisticatedinstrument which is unresolved of measuring pesticide residue in soft drinks. As per therecent reports by CSE, they claim that the pesticide residue has gone up 27 timeshigher than expected level by the authorisation of Indian Standards (BIS)Coke is facing different type of problem in which some are mention below Critical Issues/ProblemsSolid waste and water issue The communities near the bottling plant in Indiacomplained about the passage of sludge as fertilizer, causing health andenvironmental damage. The most important issue concerning these communities isthe depletion of water levels caused by the Coca-Cola bottling operations which havedrastically reduced availability of water for irrigation purposes. Pesticides in soft drinks The other issue concerning human health caused by Coca-Cola is that their bottled water and soft drinks contain pesticides which were time-testedby the reputed NGO , CSE.Dual product standards Coca-Cola is impeach of having dual standards in terms of their products and safety measures concerning human health with respect to USA,Europe and India. Community issue These allegations affected Coca-Cola largely with its sales and alsocaused the closure of one of their bottling plants in Kerala, India. Additionally, Coca-Colas products are banned in the state of Kerala, India. What cultural adaptations would you suggest to the US expatriate managersregarding their management style?A key reason for the eliminate of expatriates before the official end of their foreignassignment is the uncertainty and frustration resulting from poor cross-culturaladaptation. The literature provides this general, normative view without much to sayabout the interpersonal conflict expatriates experience in the workplace abroadcaused by cultural differences. Our exploratory study finds that conflicts with co-workers in host countries occur frequently causing high stress and discomfort, andprovides three specific sources of conflict as recounted by sample managers.Theimplications of our findings include selecting expatriate managers with highemotional intelligence, providing extensive pre-departure cultural training thatconsists not only of cultural facts but also interpersonal skills such as active listening,conflict management, and ethical reasoning, utilizing sensitivity training techniquesto better prepare managers for new situations, and sending the expatriate on one ortwo pre-sojourn visits to familiarize themselves with the host culture and workplacenorms even before the actual expatriate assignment begins.An additional implicationis training the host-country workers, particularly those who will work most closely withthe expatriate manager, on home country cultural beliefs and workplace norms. Weaim to stimulate managerial thinking and further research on the workplace conflictsthat challenge expatriates managers. Using the Hofstede and the v alue orientations cultural models, how can youexplain some of the cultural differences noted in this case? When business consultants and professionals in the field of workplace learning and developmentdiscovered Hofstedes dimensions, applications began to emerge in many areas.The following aremerely a a couple of(prenominal) examples of how the field has translated the abstract theory into a series of concreteapproaches. In expanding their market to the global level with clear and consistent global brand types acrossnations, marketers are ever confronting the issue of how to deal with different cultural values. Cultural value is identified as an influential factor on brand image and is widely authentic as one of the crucial concepts in understanding consumer consumption value, which determines choices of consuming everyday products and services.Most firms endeavoring to establish and maintainconsistent global brand images, however, adopt a standardized brand image strategy that u suallydoes not consider individual target markets characteristics, including the concepts of cultural valueand consumption value. This study developed a conceptual framework which incorporated culturalvalue not only as a direct antecedent of brand image, but also as an indirect antecedent of brandimage through consumption value, and empirically tested it using the category of apparel.Following this framework, this study hypothesized the differences in brand image, cultural value,and consumption value between the U. S. and South Korea. Data were gathered through surveying university students residing in the San Francisco and Seoul metropolitan areas using a conveniencesampling method. A total of 329 completed questionnaires were used in factor analysis,discriminant analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results provide insights intostandardized brand image strategies and suggest some implementable tools that might proveeffective in both countries.Case 4THE ABB PBS JOINT VENT URE IN OPERATIONWhere does the joint venture meet the needs of both the partners? Where does itfall short? One of the most common instances that encourage learning and sharing is culturaldifferences. In the case study involving the ABB PBS Joint Venture the two companiesfound it rather uncontrollable to understand certain cultural differences. These differencesexisted because the managers and employees of the venture were from the post-communist country of the Czech Republic and were new to the structure of a freemarket economy.The venture had a difficult time interacting and understanding theculture of the European nations that they were conducting business with. To facilitatelearning and knowledge the managers of the venture had to change the mentality of employees and develop ways to motivate them to reach the goals of the company. (The ABB PBS Joint Venture in cognitive operation) What lessons one can draw from this incident for better management of technology transfers? Techn ology transfer is the process of developing practical applications for scientificresearch.It is a term used to describe a formal transfer of rights to use andcommercialize new discoveries and innovations resulting from scientific research toanother party. It is, regrettably, not uncommon to find big companies and major industrial concernsin the developed countries turning a blind eye to the ethical questions when it comesto technology transfer. The need to show profits, the desire to please shareholdersand the compulsion to transfer technology to the South, whatever the outcome, haveblurred the vision and concept of fight and wrong. Mahatma Gandhi said the solution in India is not mass production, but production bythe masses.Mass production by organized industry has brought in sophisticatedtechnology and activist trade unions, and has been one of the major factors formigration from the rural to the urban areas. The establishment of small scaleindustries, and better facilities for t he rural workers, will ease the tension in the citiesand reduce migrant pressures but it will mean less profits. This ill-conceived approach has almost destroyed indigenous institutions. Thetechnology input from the developed countries should have strengthened,supplemented and supported the existing, proven structures sooner of replacingthem.It has increased dependency on the outside, for spare parts, for expertise and forconsultation, thus controlling and co-opting rather than decentralizing anddisseminating. People forget that what is best and most sophisticated could considerably bea ball bearing on bullock cart wheels, or a simple set of hand tools for villageblacksmiths. - Top of variate Search Bottom of Form Search History Searching Result 00 of 00 00 results for result for ? p.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
America’s economy after the Civil war Essay
After the Civil war in the United States, Corporations grew significantly in number, size, and influence between the 1870s and 1900s. Big business impacted the Statess economy, politics and as well as the Americans responses to these changes. Big business began when entrepreneurs in search for riches and success combined their business into massive corporations. steep and horizontal integration were tactics used to make business grow faster. Vertical integration is the acquiring of material from the bottom up for means of production, for modeling Carnegie used this strategy. Horizontal integration is the chastenessling of other companies that produce the same product, which Rockefeller used.The corporations were so large that they could and some did, force out the competition which resulted them in gaining control of that particular grocery. This allowed corporations to set the prices they desired, which affected the consumers pocket as that was the only place they could obtain the product or good from. Business men who ran these large industries became super wealthy, powerful and influential, often at the expense of many poor workers, and much of the public saw them as robber barons who exploited workers, in order to roll immense fortunes.For example, in 1882 Rockefeller solidifies his control by establishing a monopoly or trust, which centralized control of a number of oil related companies under one display board of trustee. By 1879, Rockefeller controlled 90% of the countys oil capacity. As a result of this, companies in other industries quickly imitated this trust model and used their broad market control to raise prices. withal in document A, statistics be shown of the index prices to the average prices during a certain period of time and it is evident that as the age progressed, the cost for food, fuel and lighting decreased significantly but the cost of living of also decreased but not to the degree of the above mentioned. Trusts were a commo n way to force out the competition and control a market in the 1800s. Big business also impacted America politically as seen on document D. This political cartoon shows wealthy industrial owners, which be taking up most of the space in the US senate and are coming in from a door that is labeled Entrance for monopolist and all the trusts are lines up to enter.Also, in the left corner there is a door labeled Peoples entrance that had a closed hanging from it, which clearly shows that the people do not have a put forward in the senate. This means that industries have a nifty amount of power in the senate as well as a big impact politically. Also in document B, from George E. McNeill, a labor leader, is a short passage about The problem of today in 1887. He starts out explains how the railroad chairwoman holds so much power that it is almost as if he were the king of the railroad. The article states that the railroad king collects his tithes, which is the 1/10th annual income given t o clergy and to maintenance the church, by lowering the workers wages. He also has the power to fire anyone, take away their income, delay trial on a typesetters case at law, and postpone judgment indefinitely.This shows the amount of power in his quite a littles, and how he has a say in politics and court. At the end, McNeill states, In his right hand he holds the government in his left hand, the people to show the sense of control he has in both areas and the degree of his influence on both, the people, and his government. Americans responses to the growing corporations were evident in document C. In this document David A. Wells claims that individualism or independence of the producer in manufacturing has been in great degree destroyed as well as the pride workmen took in their work. Also, he says modern manufacturing systems have been brought into a condition similar of that of a military machine organization.This shows the rigidness of the bosses and the demand for their wo rk to be perfect. It is also mentioned in this document that as a rule, workers are only good for one thing, and then are useless once there is no more work of that kind. Lastly, the works are no longer independent. But depend and have to obey rules to note progressing. In document E, by Andrew Carnegie, he states that to set an example of modest he has to provide to those who depend on him. Andrew Carnegie of the steel industry donated much of his wealth to building libraries, schools, and universities to support the less fortunate or poor. The growth of corporations evidently impacted the economy and politics, as well as the American responses to these changes, in 1870-1900.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Blue Remembered Hills Essay
When I first read the script of Blue Remembered Hills I thought it was quite naturalistic and it was well written from a childs perspective. The characters were all actually believable and it seemed like a fun play to perform. I thought it would be easy to do because the characters are all children and I can still remember how I was at that age.In the performance I played the ingredient of ray, a young boy of ab let on seven or octad years. He is the bully of the radical and he tends to use his strength to get his bear way over the others. He is not very intelligent and some of the characters use this to their advantage to get out of situations e.g. in scene two when Peter tries to steal Willies apple but Willie convinces him one bite would kill him.To get into our roles of young children, we did different exercises like childhood games and hotseating. I found hotseating particularly helpful because afterwards all of the class appoint their opinions and constructive criticis m so I could improve my character. Playing childhood games helps to put you into the mind of an eight year old.After a few weeks we fashioned at the subtext of the play. This means you go through the script and look for the true meaning of the words that are spoken. For example if somebody says something sarcastically, you know to say it in a certain tone. Doing this helped with the language and how to speak the words in accent using the correct tone so that the true meaning is given across to the audience. I found the best way to improve voice, exploit and gesture was to keep rehearsing it and talk to each other about how it looks and what could be improved.All of the characters wore similar clothing, as theyre all children of the same age living at the same time. For Peter I chose a pair of dirty, grey shorts and a plain dirty white shirt as this was usual for the time. He did not necessitate any props specific to his character.I think that together as a assembly we worked ve ry well. I found that constructive criticism and feedback from the other people in my group helped me greatly because it tells you what you look like to others and how the character comes across to the audience. We didnt experience many study problems throughout the project and other problems were easy to solve.Last minute rehearsals were just to polish off the scripts and sour sure that all the scenes ran smoothly together. In the run-up to the final performance we would just act out each scene over an over and confirm that we had the play how we wanted it.I was quite blissful with the final performance but despite weeks of learning the lines, I still managed to make a few slip-ups, which I and the other character made up for by improvising.I thought that each mortal in the group fitted very well into their characters and worked very well together. We all added a bit of our own personality, which made the characters much(prenominal) believable. If I did the play again I might have made it more physical and at a faster pace.I didnt see any other groups performances so I cant compare ours to anyone elses. Over the past few weeks I have intimate new techniques of character development and I feel my ability to work in a group has improved. I think I need sometimes to put in a bit more effort in the lessons and do every rehearsal as if it were the real thing as I lacked motivation in some lessons.It has prepared me a bit for the written exam because I have been analysing the performance, which is exactly what I have to do for the exam.
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